
Accelerating Government Fisheries Data Modernization

The Information Age is here, but data-rich fisheries continue to be a rarity around the world. Instead, we see fisheries defined by limited information and limited application of that data for effective management. Such poor data usage results in flawed catch limits, a lack of reliable forecasting or enforcement, little to no accountability or transparency, and the inability to meet demands for adaptive management and sustainable fisheries.

Fishery Development Blueprint: Mahi

Recommendations and strategies for implementing full-chain digital traceability technology in Peruvian mahi mahi supply chains.

Fishery Development Blueprint: Benthic

Recommendations and strategies for unlocking new or additional value in managed access benthic fisheries connected with Peruvian domestic markets.

Peru National Level Fishery Traceability Recommendations

This document provides recommendations for driving traceability and data improvements in both industry and government sectors.

The Untapped Potential of Story to Sell Seafood

Future of Fish set out to explore the power of story to sell more fish and to determine what elements of that story most influence consumer purchasing behavior.

Traceability 101: Follow the Fish

Reports of overfishing, Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) activities, human rights abuses, and fraud continue to tarnish the reputation of the global seafood industry.

Introducing Storied Fish

Future of Fish developed this introduction video to help teach chefs and food-service professionals about the importance of Storied Fish.


Making Sense of Wild Seafood Supply Chains

A primer for resource managers, scientists, fishers, and others seeking to harness the power of supply chains to ignite sustainable management in artisanal fisheries.

The Labuhan Lombok mFish Alpha Pilot

The need for improved fisheries data is a major challenge for sustainable fisheries management in many emerging economies.

Opportunities for Transparency in the New England Groundfish Fishery

Future of Fish hosted a workshop in Boston for stakeholders of the New England groundfish fishery in early 2015.
