The Fisheye
PRESS RELEASE: Called to Action: Future of Fish responds to COVID-19
Meet the team: Q&A with Juliana Tadano
Juliana Tadano is a graduate student in the University of Washington’s Executive Masters in Policy and Administration through the Evans school. She recently joined Future of Fish to provide operations and communications support and to gain experience in the NGO and sustainable fisheries worlds.
Juliana has project management experience in stormwater municipal permit management, freshwater environmental consulting, and green building, and over a decade of experience in marketing, small business operations, systems development, data analysis, and program development. We asked Juliana a few questions about her background, and what she's looking forward to at Future of Fish:
Collaborating to promote responsible seafood sourcing in Peru
Comunicado de prensa: Future of Fish y el World Wildlife Fund formalizan una nueva colaboración para promover la sostenibilidad en la pesquería del perico peruano
16 de marzo de 2020
Para publicación inmediata
Future of Fish y el World Wildlife Fund (WWF) se complacen en formalizar una nueva colaboración diseñada para promover la sostenibilidad en el Proyecto de Mejora Pesquera (FIP, por sus siglas en inglés) del perico peruano. Este trabajo reúne el innovador Modelo de Desarrollo de Pesquerías (FDM, en inglés) de Future of Fish, el cual integra incentivos económicos y sociales a las mejoras ambientales, y las décadas de experiencia y relaciones de WWF en el contexto de mejora de pesquerías.
PRESS RELEASE: Future of Fish and World Wildlife Fund formalize new collaboration to advance sustainability in Peruvian mahi mahi fishery.
March 16, 2020
For Immediate Release
Future of Fish and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are excited to formalize a new collaboration designed to advance sustainability in the Peruvian mahi mahi fishery improvement project (FIP). The work brings together Future of Fish’s innovative Fishery Development Model (FDM), which integrates economic and social incentives along with environmental improvements, with WWF’s decades of experience and relationships in the fishery improvement space.