
Comunicado de prensa: Llamada a la Acción: Future of Fish responde a COVID-19

Abril 30, 2020 Durante una pandemia mundial, ¿qué sucede con los pescadores de mundo? Esta semana, el ONG Future of Fish anunció sus planes para apoyar a los pescadores y a las comunidades pesqueras en este momento sin precedente. La propagación y los efectos devastadores de la pandemia COVID-19 han paralizado un gran parte del mundo. Pero los peces siguen nadando como de costumbre, y los pescadores a menor escala de todo el mundo siguen dependiendo de los océanos para su sustento, y la seguridad alimentaria de sus comunidades. Pero los pescadores están en aprietos, dado que miles de millones de personas están confinadas en sus casas, la economía mundial está en crisis, las cadenas de suministro se han interrumpido, y ya no pueden vender o distribuir su pescado como de costumbre.


PRESS RELEASE: Called to Action: Future of Fish responds to COVID-19

During a global pandemic, what happens to the world’s fishermen? This week, nonprofit Future of Fish announced its plans for supporting fishers and fishing communities in this unprecedented time.
 The spread and devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought much of the world to a standstill. But fish are still swimming as usual, and small-scale fishers around the globe still depend on the oceans for their livelihood, and their communities’ food security.


Collaborating to promote responsible seafood sourcing in Peru

No one person or organization can change a system. Improving seafood sourcing, shifting supply chains, and strengthening small-scale fisheries all require massive and long-term efforts from multiple stakeholders and passionate advocates. Still, every system has intervention points or key levers that can help accelerate change. As we try to build a movement for responsible seafood sourcing in Peru, we’ve identified chefs as powerful levers for driving the movement.


Comunicado de prensa: Future of Fish y el World Wildlife Fund formalizan una nueva colaboración para promover la sostenibilidad en la pesquería del perico peruano

16 de marzo de 2020
Para publicación inmediata

Future of Fish y el World Wildlife Fund (WWF) se complacen en formalizar una nueva colaboración diseñada para promover la sostenibilidad en el Proyecto de Mejora Pesquera (FIP, por sus siglas en inglés) del perico peruano. Este trabajo reúne el innovador Modelo de Desarrollo de Pesquerías (FDM, en inglés) de Future of Fish, el cual integra incentivos económicos y sociales a las mejoras ambientales, y las décadas de experiencia y relaciones de WWF en el contexto de mejora de pesquerías.


PRESS RELEASE: Future of Fish and World Wildlife Fund formalize new collaboration to advance sustainability in Peruvian mahi mahi fishery.

March 16, 2020
For Immediate Release

Future of Fish and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are excited to formalize a new collaboration designed to advance sustainability in the Peruvian mahi mahi fishery improvement project (FIP). The work brings together Future of Fish’s innovative Fishery Development Model (FDM), which integrates economic and social incentives along with environmental improvements, with WWF’s decades of experience and relationships in the fishery improvement space.


Climate justice means protecting the future of fish

Boats arranged on the beach in Paita, Peru.
Billions of people depend on fish as a critical source of protein. From lobster divers in Belize to handline mahi-mahi fishers in Peru, communities around the world feed themselves and make a living from the fish they pull from the ocean every day. But these livelihoods are under threat. Climate change is already wrecking havoc for coastal communities in developing countries, with rising seas damaging dockside infrastructure and warming waters driving away traditional fish stocks. The result is loss of income, food, and in many cases, cultural heritage.


ICT4Fisheries Conference: five traceability takeaways

It's the Information Age. And, if you, like us, wonder how developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) can help advance sustainability and traceability in small-scale fisheries...then read on! FishWise and Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability (SALT) Project Director Traci Linder and Future of Fish (FoF) Traceability Program Director Fiona Mulligan recently attended the ICT4Fisheries 2019 conference and came away with five top learnings we found repeated across geographies and cultures.


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