How do you define government data modernization?
Earlier this year, Future of Fish undertook a research project on fisheries data modernization efforts across governments. From this work we’ve come up with a proposed definition for ‘government data modernization’ and we want to know what you think.
Data Modernization Moves: SERNAPESCA and Future of Fish MOU signals collaboration
Project Crossroads: moving towards action with fishing caletas and open air vendors
Over the last year, Future of Fish has been working through a co-design process with four Chilean artisanal hake caletas, leading them through idea development, business modelling and most recently to the finalisation of business plans.
Celebrating Women in Fisheries
World Ocean Day was June 8, and we loved hearing about all the inspiring projects and activists working to improve the health of our oceans. This year’s focus was “gender and the ocean,” a topic very dear to our hearts.
Of course, work to protect marine environments and create thriving fisheries is a year-round job, so this week we’re continuing the appreciation for ocean advocates by giving props to some of our favorite women in fisheries.
Keeping track of the Fish+Tech space
The fish tech space is growing, and fast. It was just a few years back that industry folks and nonprofits alike were trying to get their heads around what end-to-end traceability might look like and which technologies might be used to facilitate it. Since then, we’ve seen technologies such as blockchain, electronic monitoring, and machine learning make a splash in the seafood and ocean conservation spaces. With the exploding number of companies and initiatives, it can be hard to keep up.
Chile Takes Action against Illegal Fishing with New Law
Collaborating to Advance Seafood Traceability
The organizations working on seafood sustainability and traceability are many, and they’re mighty. Historically, though, there’s been little support for them to work together to solve problems and amplify their efforts.
Getting our Feet Wet: Launching a Traceability RFP Process in Belize
Storytelling meets innovation in Baja California
Empowering small-scale fisheries on a global stage